UPDATE: COVID-19 Requirements for Unvaccinated Employees
On Friday, Jan. 7, you received an email from Baylor University regarding requirements under the Biden Administration's OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) Guidelines. Earlier today the U.S. Supreme Court reversed OSHA's ETS Guidelines, which had required all COVID-19 unvaccinated faculty, staff and student employees to wear face coverings indoors beginning Jan. 10. With the Supreme Court's ruling, this guideline will no longer apply to you as part of your Baylor employment.
Please note that the University's interim policy requiring face coverings, regardless of vaccination status, continues to apply through the end of this month. The Baylor policy prescribes face coverings for all classrooms and labs when used for academic instruction, in addition to some indoor locations where appropriate social distancing may not be possible, private faculty and staff offices when requested, and other areas designated by posted signage. The University strongly encourages the use of face coverings in all indoor spaces on campus - including hallways and corridors - as well as out in the Waco community.
Also, per Baylor policy, twice-weekly testing will still be required for unvaccinated faculty, staff and students. Testing locations and availability can be found at baylor.edu/coronavirus. The only exemptions to testing are vaccination, 100% remote work or a recent COVID-19 diagnosis. To enter an exemption request, please visit the Confidential Employee Medical Record Form.
For questions about these requirements, the Baylor Call Center is available at 888-283-2158 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. We encourage you to explore the many Frequently Asked Questions that have been developed. You can also email coronavirus@baylor.edu.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation with this matter.